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Cost Efficient Plan Designs

The primary objective of any Plan design should be Maximum Cost Control and Maximum Flexibility.

Features Traditional Plan Enhanced Plan Unique  Enhanced+ Plan
Routine Dental up to 80% 90% or 100% 100%*
Prescription Drugs up to 80% 90% or 100% 100%*
Out of Country Travel 100% 100% 100%
Major Dental No 50% 100%
Visoncare No Optional 100%
Life Optional Optional Optional
Disability Optional Optional Optional
Claim Limit No Limit No Limit To Fixed Annual Limit
Claim Flexibility According to plan guidelines According to plan guidelines Employee directed
Plan Flexibility Ability to add options or increase protection Ability to add options or increase protection Ability to increase limits and switch plans
Cost Control* Rates re-set annually based on claim history Rates re-set annually based on claim history Annual cost is fixed and owner controlled
*With Unique Enhanced Plus Plan you gain absolute total cost control forever by setting an annual maximum claim limit for each employee. The annual limit is chosen from one of 5 levels: $500, $1,000, $2,000-$5,000 and $10,000 (custom limits may be available). You have the flexibility to assign maximum claim limits to different groups of employees, for example senior people get $5,000 while new hires get $1,000. Employees have flexibility to use their annual limit any way that they wish, until they use up their annual limit. Un-used limits can be carried forward and added to next year’s new allocation. Unless, you change the per employee annual claim limit, costs are capped forever.

We are able to further customize the above plans by changing the coinsurance levels and other variable plan options like disability, Dental, Prescriptions Drugs etc.


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