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A Life Changed,
a Lifestyle Remains

For Scott Rider, running was his life. It gained him a slot in the Olympic trials and sustained him as a hobby as he and his high-school sweetheart, Kelly, married and raised three children. 

We provide Disability Insurance Services in the province of Alberta, BC & Saskatchewan

Money Sense

What you need to know about disability insurance

If you had a life-changing accident or were diagnosed with a critical illness tomorrow, would you and your family be able to cope? Ten years ago, Janet Freedman was rushing out the door of her home for work. Her arms loaded with tax returns, she missed a step on the stairs on her front porch and fell, hitting her head on the concrete. When her neighbours found her, she was barely conscious, with her head trapped between her own front steps and those of the house next door.


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Sales: 403-903-2898

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Mon-Fri: 8am to 5pm
Sat: 10am to 5pm
Sun: Closed

Thought Leadership : Employee Benefits - Disability Insurance

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